1.) this rug is like the first time you smoked weed and realized what a beautiful and off kilter place the world can be
2) this rug looks a little sketchy and rough around the edges, but actually feels quite pleasant and mellow
3) remember when you ate shrooms in high school and went to the planetarium to see the Pink Floyd laser show? yeah, this rug is all about that.
4) this rug is fake.
5) do you know the scene in Trainspotting when Renton is going through heroin withdrawal and is no longer constipated and finds the toilet and it's really disgusting and unpleasant but so so relieving? yes. that is the vibe this rug is laying down.
6) oh you fucked up now, girl. this is not even a rug, it is a horse making a funny face. you feel scared and alone.
8) you scored this rug from a metalhead hash dealer outside a Dream Theater show.